Whatever the Weather II: Loraine James talks about the alias and the album

Just as reality seems ready to blow off in a gale, Whatever the Weather II is here on Ghostly to pull you back to earth and the grace of the everyday. Loraine James – or I should say, the artist, Whatever the Weather – talks to CDM about how this full-length came to life.

maxess screenshots overlaid on one another, showing help pages: maxess.element, maxess.file, maxess.keyboard, and maxess.speech running in Max with help commentary.

Maxess, free externals for Max and Max for Live accessibility, available now

Iftah Gabbai has delivered his Maxess Max/MSP External Collection, a set of tools that interface patches with the native accessibility features of macOS and Windows. They’re a must if you’re making tools with Max and Max for Live – and worth examining for inspiration even if you focus on other platforms.

Peter Kirn - March 13, 2025

Live 12.2: hands-on guide to Meld, Roar, Auto Filter, workflow updates, more

Ableton Live 12.2 is in public beta today, with some major welcome features. Bouncing is easier, Auto Filter gets its biggest update since it came out, and there are new generative harmonic features, Meld and Roar updates, Push enhancements, and more. Here’s your guide.

Peter Kirn - March 12, 2025

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