The best Black Friday deals in music tech right now

Fall discounts have gotten hard to track, with most makers offering some discounts around now. But here is a select running list of some of the most exceptional deals.

Ableton Push with Live 12.1: what’s new in the beta for Push users

A new Live release also means updates for Push, both in standalone and controller modes. At last, that includes macro mapping and macro variations, among other enhancements.

Peter Kirn - July 2, 2024

Tour Superbooth with Afrorack – featuring the show’s best instruments

In the deluge of videos from Berlin’s Superbooth synth show, don’t miss the walkthrough by Brian Bamanya (Afrorack). The Ugandan artist finds some of the most unique instruments and gives them the time they deserve.

Peter Kirn - May 22, 2024

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