Taylor Deupree and Joseph Branciforte on transcribing an electronic classic

“Highlighting inconsistencies”: when it came time to transcribe Taylor Deupree’s seminal 2002 electronic drone album Sti.il for acoustic instruments, everything from technical software details to how we think about music and physical artifacts came into play.

Khabat Abas of Kurdistan-Iraq talking about cellos, bombshells, silenced stories of women

Making instruments, making music overlaps directly with the issue of mapping sound to emotional experience, meaning, and orientation. Let’s listen to Khabat Abas, a musician, composer, sound artist, and instrument maker from Kurdistan-Iraq. She works directly at the crossing of so many of the issues we’ve encountered in the past months – and finds ways to make experimental cellos out of repurposed bombshells.

Peter Kirn - March 8, 2023

Terje Isungset makes musical instruments out of carved Arctic ice

Acoustic instruments we think of largely in wood, string, gut, metal. Terje Isungset has spent decades making music out of ice.

Peter Kirn - June 27, 2022

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