Leafcutter John takes you deeper into the strange, wonderful tool Forester

If many music tools guide you, pointing you to particular sounds and hand-holding you on the grid, then Forester blindfolds you and drops you in the gaseous sea of a far-off moon. New videos give you a leg up in figuring out just how to access all that weird goodness.

Dancing “vibes” and 2 more mood-elevating freebies for Live, DAWs

As much as music making can pick you up, sometimes you need an extra injection of joy. So meet Max – a blue dancing figure you will “vïbe” to your music on any Ableton Live track, free. And more freebies: a bathroom reverb for Ableton Live and a chipper chippy 12-bit polysynth for any DAW.

Peter Kirn - August 5, 2024

A very Unreal Halloween: playable Theremin, scenes from cinema

People continue to do wild things with Unreal Engine and MetaSounds. Celebrate Halloween with an interactive Theremin deep dive tutorial, and some classic cinema scenes from Halloween and The Shining recreated as ambient environments.

Peter Kirn - October 31, 2023

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