SØS Gunver Ryberg’s Living Labyrinth 3D active listening experience

Living Labyrinth immerses you in the world of Danish composer SØS Gunver Ryberg’s music. It’s a spatial experience of a flowing organic dream world of deep listening and meditative interconnectedness. And it includes both unreleased bits and portions of SPINE, one of the more notable releases of this year.

With Beam for Max, designing your own lighting instruments is a reality

Light, sound, and visuals finally come together in Max as people imagined. Beam for Max from Showsync is now in the Max Package Manager. And it fully integrates lighting instruments in your Max patches.

Peter Kirn - June 12, 2024

Unsettling experimental sounds as Ukrainian artists go full hacklab

Young, restless, unruly hearts from deep in Ukraine arrive with two recent releases. The results are unsettling in the best possible way as we trip into space – and learn that baby kangaroos are seriously punk.

Peter Kirn - April 11, 2024

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