Sinevibes Vague plug-in, binaural diffusion, is like going nuts with early reflections: review

What if you could take the early reflections part of a digital reverb, and turn it into an undulating, stereo-phasing, diffusing blurring granulating unison alchemic wonder? And what if you could give it an easy-to-grok UI? Sinevibes did just that, and the results are unlike anything else.

Top music gear news from Superbooth 2021 – the CDM monster guide

The music nerd cultural happening – modular pilgrimage is back, and with it… way too much gear to wrap your head around. Here are the not-to-miss picks and of course the exhaustive CDM monster guide.

An exploration of silence, in a new exhibition in Switzerland

What’s the sound of an exhibition devoted to silence? From John Cage recreations to the latest in interactive virtual reality tech, it turns out there’s a lot. The exhibition’s sound lead Jascha Dormann tells us more – and gives us a look inside.

Peter Kirn - November 28, 2018

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