Interactive Shader Format (ISF) code for working with Metal and rendering on macOS, plus an underlying Metal framework that powers live visual app VDMX6, are now free and open source. That’s great news even if you’re just toying around with shaders or working with visuals, as it opens up lots of possibilities to come.
Read moreFlufs is the loudness meter and analysis tool for Ableton Live (Max for Live) you’ve always wanted. But more than that, it’s designed to be accessible to blind, low vision, and sighted users alike. And if that’s interesting to you, there are more developer tools on the way.
Spectral Plugins, a relatively young plugin maker, has announced the end of its business. They’re making their three excellent plugins available for free download, complete with macOS and Windows VST2/VST3/AU/AAX support, so grab them while you can.
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