Here it is, a cover of Kendrick Lamar and more awesomeness for the Otamatone

What the world needs now is more unicorn chaser. And it’s hard to beat the adorable Japanese ribbon controller/squeezable mouth formant instrument, the CUBE Works/Maywa Denki Otamatone.

Sync and licensing workshops online for women, trans, and nonbinary people

For women, trans, and nonbinary people, if you’re looking to unlock the value of your music, UK nonprofit Saffron is working with music publisher Cavendish to share opportunities. A three-month series of online workshops, accessible worldwide, starts later this month.

Peter Kirn - September 2, 2024

Learn music instrument design from Roger Linn and Sasha Leitman

Want to learn about designing physical interactions for music from the creator of the MPC and Linnstrument, the one and only Roger Linn, plus physical interaction and sound arts expert Sasha Leitman? Registrations are open now for a class from June 17-21. You can even join online.

Peter Kirn - June 8, 2024

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