ISF’s visual magic for Metal and macOS is now open source

Interactive Shader Format (ISF) code for working with Metal and rendering on macOS, plus an underlying Metal framework that powers live visual app VDMX6, are now free and open source. That’s great news even if you’re just toying around with shaders or working with visuals, as it opens up lots of possibilities to come.

Rhizomatic Synestia, an otherworldly effect from Absynth, Plasmonic creator

Modeled resonators, formants, waveshapers, filters, delays, all with extensive modulation: Synestia takes the unparalleled sonic shapers from creator Brian Clevinger’s Plasmonic and brings it to any input signal.

Peter Kirn - December 13, 2024 in VCV Rack gives you Moog-like 5U in software, for free

Imagine having access to a full original Moog modular system. Now imagine you could run the whole thing for free – and it won’t take up a wall of your home. has brought its MU East Coast-inspired modular to VCV Rack as freeware. It’s also a great place to begin with software modular synthesis.

Peter Kirn - October 25, 2024

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