Start your Black History Month in music by traveling back to the 6th century

Black History Month may be a creation of the USA, but why not go further out and further back – much further back? Jon Silpayamanant takes us back to Saint Yared in Ethiopia in the 6th century for a ride through the centuries that could transform some of your ideas about music history and provide some alternative starting points.

In the 90s, this astrophysicist made trippy pop from star sounds

“Who is Dr. Fiorella Terenzi? I’ll take 90s LaserDiscs for $600, Alex. Wait – back up, here’s more of Dr. Terenzi, how she worked with space sound, and how she collaborated with Thomas Dolby, with some classic vintage clips. Get ready for a big transition in this interview: Dr. Terenzi was (and is) a Milan-born, […]

Peter Kirn - April 10, 2024

HoRNet DeeLay vintage digital delay is free today only

“Made in Italy,” HoRNet DeeLay is just a good, simple, vintage-style digital dub delay plug-in. It runs on modern systems, too, but – with a little bit of extra effort on macOS. This deal runs today only, Tuesday September 5 Italy time; here’s how to grab it and make use of it.

Peter Kirn - September 5, 2023

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