Ornament & Crime, open module, gets new powers in Phazerville 1.7

Ornament & Crime is the open module that basically is a computer – but a very elegant, minimalistic one. And with the actively developed Phazerville firmware, it keeps getting more superpowers, all on a module platform you can buy affordably or make yourself. Here’s a snapshot of how active that Phazerville development is, as version 1.7 drops.

Dozens of recipes on Mutable Instruments Plaits, for your Eurorack kitchen

Artist Rochefsky has been busy cooking up a ton of Mutable Instruments Plaits recipes – which seems just the thing to share on a Sunday. Plus even if you don’t have the module (or like me are on a train at the moment) you can give this a go for free in VCV Rack in software (with the Macro Oscillator 2 module).

Peter Kirn - March 19, 2023

Flexible modular percussion, modulation: cool tricks with Tymp Legio, Peaks Dead Man’s Catch

From beautiful toms to alternate LFO modes, here are two Eurorack modules that shine in multiple applications. Take a video tour of the Dead Man’s Catch firmware for Peaks and variations, and Noise Engineering’s Tymp Legio.

Peter Kirn - January 22, 2023

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