Textures and scenes, trees and architecture – Epic consolidated all their stores for Unreal, Fortnite, and 3D creators (even rival Unity) on what they call Fab back in late October. The dust has settled, and you should go claim some free content if you haven’t already – including a ton of spectacular Megascans for Unreal […]
Read moreMixing MiniDV video, Roland JUNO-6 sounds, and gauzy analog processing, Dawn is a calming fifteen-minute break. The film is “an ambient, peaceful project for an uneasy time,” writes creator Benjamin Tennikoff.
Now is a time to listen more deeply. Sound artist Izabela Dłużyk, blind since birth, launched a crowdfunding campaign to “dream despite blindness” back in 2016 to travel to Peruvian rainforest. We can sonically travel with her in a full-length album of field recordings, The Amazon — Where the Moon Wept.
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