Sinevibes’ “digital-analog” buffer delay Integer is now on KORG hardware

Sinevibes’ unmistakable, BBD-inspired Integer delay is available today across a variety of KORG hardware devices. That means the prologue, minilogue xd, and even the pocket NTS-1 (original and mkII) and NTS-3. It’s a must-have pocket delay or synth add-on.

KORG multi/poly native is as satisfying as a desktop plug-in as it in hardware

KORG’s analog-modeling, layered multi-poly was already compelling as hardware. Now, it’s available as a software plug-in, either as a companion to the keyboard version or as a rich plug-in in its own right. I’ve been working with a late build; here are some impressions.

Peter Kirn - March 6, 2025

Close-p of vintage TB-303 hardware showing "Computer-Controlled" logo and knobs. "Old Roland TB-303" by Alexandre Dulaunoy is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.

303 Day: the freaky CDM Megaroundup

It’s 303 Day. Roland is giving away licenses for its TB-303 plug-in if you act fast. The Internet, for its part, will make you feel like you’re actually on acid. Let’s go.

Peter Kirn - March 3, 2025

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