Arturia Pigments 5 audio input: video tutorial, tips and tricks, free presets

Pigments 5 from Arturia adds the ability to route audio input into soft synth, opening up new sound design possibilities and turning Pigments into a multi-effects plug-in for any source. Here’s a detailed guide on how to use it, with notes – and some presets to get you going.

3rd Wave, wavetable synth beast, does MPE and is now in desktop form

Groove Synthesis, the instrument maker founded by veterans of Sequential and Oberheim, has taken their massive 24-voice wavetable synth and put it into a desktop form.

Peter Kirn - September 21, 2023

Roland SH-4d polysynth: 11 models in one knob-y box with tons of extras, drums – and motion

Roland has built one packed instrument to celebrate 50 years of the company’s synths. The SH-4d sports eleven synth oscillator models in one box – from SH-101 and JUNO-106 to new cross FM and wavetable synths. But it’s still hands-on, battery-powered, and costs US$649. And there’s a twist, literally: D-MOTION motion control means you can pick up the synth and play it by moving it around.

Peter Kirn - February 23, 2023

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