What began in a hospital bed as a Reaktor ensemble for making music into a video has become a fully generative, morphing take on a groovebox and music studio. Tim Exile is back in action with Shapeshift, out today. And this being in 2024, there’s even a promise: no generative AI.
Read moreSystem Flow for Reaktor 6 features a 32-grain, two-sample-slot granular engine for producing drones and textures – and it’s completely free. It was all born at Synthesizer Studio Berlin, a rentable studio full of classic vintage analog and early digital synths.
Well, New York – city that once birthed CDM – I’m back this week. Come meet in person at 343 Labs on W 23rd St. Thursday night and I’ll talk about some experimental sound design techniques with modular and how they can fit techno, all using free tools. Free workshop, free software, no gear needed.
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