It’s a six-module multi-effects module with morphing. It’s got a 3-band filter/isolator. It’s a reverb. It’ll reverse. In a world cluttered with clones and sameness, the all-Ukrainian collaboration of Dnipro Modular and Sinevibes again shows that new module worlds are possible.
Read moreThe pocket-sized, inexpensive NTS-1 mkII synth and NTS-3 kaoss pad now get three more beloved effects, giving you that Sinevibes sound on the go. In this round: Albedo v2 granular cloud reverb, Corrosion v3 multi-algorithm distortion, Vibrant “deep” phaser.
Sinevibes’ Artemiy Pavlov features in a free online sound design showcase this Wednesday on the ultra-affordable KORG NTS-1 and NTS-3. And we already have an exciting sneak peak of what Artemiy is bringing to those platforms soon.
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