Quick tutorials: Perlin Generator and LUTs in Resolume Wire

Let’s get irrationally excited about a Perlin noise-generating node in Wire, the visual patching environment inside live VJ software Resolume. All that, Resolume 7.22, and just a lot of noise:

Free Looper adds the seamless fading loops Resolume forgot

Drop a video clip into VJ/media server tools Resolume Arena or Avenue, hit loop, and now with this free add-on, get automatic crossfades for more seamless playback. Looper is the loop crossfading Resolume forgot, and it delivers perfectly.

Peter Kirn - February 9, 2025

MadMapper 6 brings timelines, markers, clips, more

The software most associated with mapping video and LEDs has v6 in beta now. There’s a lot of new stuff, but the big banner is obvious – timelines.

Peter Kirn - December 4, 2024

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