Live 12.2: hands-on guide to Meld, Roar, Auto Filter, workflow updates, more

Ableton Live 12.2 is in public beta today, with some major welcome features. Bouncing is easier, Auto Filter gets its biggest update since it came out, and there are new generative harmonic features, Meld and Roar updates, Push enhancements, and more. Here’s your guide.

Here it is, a cover of Kendrick Lamar and more awesomeness for the Otamatone

What the world needs now is more unicorn chaser. And it’s hard to beat the adorable Japanese ribbon controller/squeezable mouth formant instrument, the CUBE Works/Maywa Denki Otamatone.

Peter Kirn - February 14, 2025

Free Looper adds the seamless fading loops Resolume forgot

Drop a video clip into VJ/media server tools Resolume Arena or Avenue, hit loop, and now with this free add-on, get automatic crossfades for more seamless playback. Looper is the loop crossfading Resolume forgot, and it delivers perfectly.

Peter Kirn - February 9, 2025

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