Live 12.2: hands-on guide to Meld, Roar, Auto Filter, workflow updates, more

Ableton Live 12.2 is in public beta today, with some major welcome features. Bouncing is easier, Auto Filter gets its biggest update since it came out, and there are new generative harmonic features, Meld and Roar updates, Push enhancements, and more. Here’s your guide.

Chop, gliss, LFO, filter, select: Sonic Bloom explains Live 12.1 MIDI tools

Ableton Live’s new MIDI tools can be really useful – if you can get the hang of them. For that, we turn to long-time educator Madeleine Bloom for a breakdown.

Peter Kirn - October 21, 2024

Ableton Live 12.1 is in public beta, and it’s a huge release for Live

Live 12.1 just hit public beta, bringing more than you might expect: major Push additions, new ways of working more quickly with keyboards (and screen readers), a new Drum Sampler and pitch tracking and correction device, and more. Oh, and they finally fixed (my) single most annoying omission in Live. Here’s what’s new in Live (I’ll cover Push separately).

Peter Kirn - July 2, 2024

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