Lovers of experimental sound are finding a new canvas in the Web Browser, thanks to evolving work on standard audio tools. Cory O’Brien sends us his creation: “a real-time vector synth.” The result: crazy sounds. You’ll need Chrome, Chromium, or Safari 6 to try it out, but it’s quite a lot of fun. I especially like the percussive sounds I get just clicking spots. And it’s worth some different tries – and hitting the ‘R’ key to randomize – if at first you don’t like what you hear.

The deeper significance: you’re going to be seeing more things like this. Here’s Cory:

Just wanted to send you my new project TiberSynth, a real-time vector synth for the web browser. Built using the new Web Audio API, with Raphael.js for interface. The synth is a port of a Max/MSP patch I did a few years back, combined with an adapted controller mapping that’s based on work for an installation with Jeff Carey.

So far this is version 0.1, so I can promise nothing in the way of stability or features. And also the Web Audio API itself is barely documented (many project hours were spent extrapolating what features are available!). But so far this thing makes some pretty awesome and crazy digital noise music.

Check it out:


Here’s a question: anyone else think it’d be useful to have a tool that combines WebKit with some stuff useful for combining this with other audio apps, like JACK and JACK transport support? A sort of minimal browser for hosting audio? We may have to start hosting our own hackdays, huh?