Vocal modification is a natural app for iOS, yet a lot of the offerings out there are complicated to use. (At least one that springs to mind has options for add-on purchases that can muddle the user experience.) Audiofile Engineering (via a new brand, Square B) has just released an app that looks like loads of fun. Turning the interface into a swirling vortex of particles might not seem to be a step forward for ease of use, but here, the reduction in interface clutter lets you focus on singing. I’m retreating into the studio in a quiet moment to play with this one, certainly, but wanted to share the release.

(One alternative I’ve played with before is Improvox; that’ll definitely be what I would compare this against. Controlling mic levels and feedback is always a challenge – notice the use of headphones in the video.)

Under the hood, you get a combination of pitch correction and harmonization, ready for your next cover of Imogen Heap. The interface lets you swipe around through the particles to adjust which harmonizations are added, and reverberation levels. There are various presets, and a looping option looks useful.

A lot of these sound toys skimp on important utilities, but here you can share recordings via email, SoundCloud, Dropbox, and iTunes file sharing. Unfortunately, you don’t get Audiobus or AudioCopy, which seem like naturals, but perhaps that can be added if this app is a hit. Updated: AudioCopy support works now – just select WAV as your output (which readers here probably want anyway). And Audiobus support is coming soon, say the developers.

For some reason, the target audience includes a valley girl, your grandma, and a punk… Klingon?

No matter; the app looks great. Time to start singing. US$2.99.


Singers, are you using iOS apps – or plug-ins, or hardware – for your harmonization / effects? We’d love to hear what you use (and your music).

Tutorial on Vio:

Vio Tutorial from Vio on Vimeo.