You can see only his fingers and hear his voice, but that’s Wolfgang Palm narrating walk-throughs of his WaveMapper app, seen here last week. And he’s one important guy doing these screencasts. Hamburg-born Wolfgang built synths for Tangerine Dream, and developed ideas in wavetable synthesis and inter-synth communication that would come to impact every digital synth made since.

And watching this probably makes more sense than reading my explanation from last week. I know owners of the previous PPG synth on iOS might have liked this in a new version of that app. But here, with the “mapping” matrix applying new forms of modulation, I think it’s pretty easy to argue this is a new synth. Part two below.

Have a look, and see what you think.

Updated/breaking: The developers note, via their Facebook page, that “extended keys” are coming – an answer to those of you who complained those keys were too small to hit accurately! (Design for fat fingers is often sorely lacking!)

WaveMapper @ Facebook

New Extended Keys, the thing with the extended keys is, that you can touch everywhere in the extended sensors and still can see the map with the icons underneath. so when you do a program change or randomize the map, you can watch it, and at the same time play on the extended key-sensors.

