Even with the feature still evolving in Ableton Live 12, there’s already a tutorial on creating your own Transformers and Generators for unique ways of making and altering patterns. This time, it’s in Spanish – because the first certified trainer from Latin America is also first out with a video. Here’s Joaquín Jiménez-Sauma with the scoop.

First, if you just want the docs, once you do have access to the public beta of Live 12, you’ll want to check the help for two objects: live.miditools.in and live.miditools.out.

Of course, it’s great not to have everything be in English all the time! And for non-speakers, this is easy enough to follow along with even if you don’t speak Spanish – and a good time to dust off any Spanish skills you have.


En Ableton Live 12 puedes generar tus propios Transformadores y Generadores de notas MIDI. Ademas de arpegiar, generar aleatoriamente o crear acordes, tu mismo puedes crear tus propios mecanismos de generación de notas con Max y cambiar el funcionamiento de Ableton Live. Este es un nuevo nivel de integración entre Live y Max. Tutorial por Joaquín Jiménez-Sauma, primer instructor certificado por Ableton en Latinoamérica. Conoce más de Joaquín en jjsauma.com o encuéntrale como jjsauma en todas las redes sociales.

Joaquín has some other great Live 12 videos on there, too. For starters, you’ll want to check out how you can use Generators:

And modulation:

In a separate discussion, I saw an experienced FL Studio user point out that that host has Python scripting for the Piano Roll. And there are script interfaces in the likes of Renoise (the modern tracker) and Reaper, too, plus various other tools that are currently blurring together in my head. Seems a round-up of all these options would be a thought, if you have ideas!

¡Hasta mañana!