FRACT, a 3D world-puzzle game based on synthesis, is after a long development beginning to become clear. And the voiceover from the latest trailer sounds a little like what happens when you get a teaching post in a university somewhere or a friend’s studio and discover the state of the analog gear in their dusty equipment storeroom:

You arrive in a strange, forgotten world. A world that was once built on sound.

You’re not really sure what happened here, or why, and you’re not even sure why you’re here.

Part of the journey is figuring out where to go and where to go next.

As you explore the world, you come across this machinery that’s broken and that’s been left behind.

And it’s up to you to figure out how to put it back together to restore life and sound to the world.


Yep, been there.

But we still eagerly anticipate the idea of a TRON-meets-synths, first-person exploration-puzzle game that doubles as an interactive musical environment. And it seems from the developers that they’re inching closer to this wildly ambitious goal.

There’s also a musical collaborator announced, Mogi Grumbles:

That’s a nice artistic choice; you can find the producer’s work on Bandcamp:

— and in a clever re-score of the original Tron, out of the lovely Moodgadget label:

Follow the other musical and visual inventions on the developer site. And here’s hoping we see this on our own machines soon.

Thanks, Quynh Nguyen, for sending this in! Via Kotaku.