Ioann Maria about Live Performers Meeting from LVX.TV Institute for Live-Video on Vimeo.

VJ day, indeed.

What will it take for live visuals to reach a new level of expression? Perhaps that answer is human, not technical, involving newcomers as well as experts, unknown and undiscovered talent as well as celebrities, and getting as much of that personal power connected with others. The experience of attending a festival like the Live Performers Meeting can be, for a visual artist, simply revolutionary. For isolated artists, the pilgrimage to this festival is very often a labor of love, self-funded by creators whose pockets are often anything but deep, a chance to meet fellow artists and cross the boundaries of geography, to be connected face-to-face as well as you are on the Internet.

Ioann Maria, an organizer at LPM, took time out of the 500+-artist Rome edition earlier this summer to explain what this visualist vision is about. (I make a couple of brief cameos in this video, as well.)

LPM has more international installments in store soon, including Mexico City in the fall, and collaborations with other festivals around the world. We’ll be watching.