Plenty of music videos resort to the “just shoot a dancer, dancing about” formula. But a video by Haale Gafori for The Mast proves simply transcendent. High-speed photography captures every percussive twitch of the dancer, who explodes clouds of particles (flour?) against a void-like black. It’s elegantly shot and edited, finally interpersing shots that project photography against the dancer’s body for a textural counterpart. No special effects here: this is simply brilliant motion photography perfectly tuned to music.

The people who deserve the credit:

Music by The Mast (Matt Kilmer and Haale Gafori). Directed and designed by Haale Gafori. Director of Photography Ernesto Lomeli. Dance and choregoraphy by Pandora Marie. Edited by Haale Gafori and Matt Kilmer. Hair, make-up, costume by Haale Gafori and Vanessa Kudrat.


For her part, Haale Gafori is a Bronx-born composer/poet of Persian descent. She’s the singer behind The Mast. It’s a rare pleasure to see a musical artist produce a music video this exquisite.