Okay, weekend warriors – Bitwig Studio 4.2 beta is here, and it’s got a good reason to get on the Grid modular patching train. Think note processing and generation in a really intuitive way. Plus whether or not that’s your speed, they’ve got 3 audio effects x 4 characters = stuff most everyone will want.
The Grid is really coming into its own as Bitwig adds modules. If you ever dreamt of patching your way round compositions, subtly shaping note patterns, or making your own generative patches without the learning curve of something like Max or SuperCollider, Note Grid makes all the rest fall into place. It’s clean, color-coded, very musical-looking, and easily the biggest feature in the new 4.2 beta:
And check all the options here with the new Note Grid and note modules (so also in Poly Grid, FX Grid):
- Gate, Pitch, Velocity, Channel In
- Timbre, Pressure, Gain, Pan In with Expressions enabled (or toggle it off to ignore them)
- Note In module
- CC In, CC Out
- Poly->Mono to flatten a polyphonic signal (useful!)

The other big addition in 4.2 might seem a little less exciting at first – chorus, flanger, phaser feel mainly overdue. But wait – each has four characters:

- Chorus+ (CE, DD, 8v, x2)
- Flanger+ (DP, MX, TFX, WA)
- Phaser+ (GS, EHx, MX, MF)
I’ll leave you to decipher the acronyms (there are more detailed descriptions in the changelog), but a few are – more than a little recognizable as BOSS and Electro-Harmonix and whatnot.
Also, extra points to Bitwig as well for two things – one, simple and consistent interfaces (which nonetheless still do the vast majority of what you need these effects to do), and two, they’re all Grid modules, as well. Now we’re talking, because you can drop these into your Grid patches.

Lots of other updates here, including a new Hard Clip Shaper module and anti-aliasing options in Grid modules: