The latest Max for Live gem is killihu’s new wonder, Control Matrix. It consolidates parameters in a floating window, complete with A/B compare and preset storage.

This is a serious macro parameter window, without either device swapping or the editing you normally have to do with Device Racks. That looks perfect for some what-if sound design, or making form by using different parameter adjustments.

As the developer describes it:

Control Matrix allows you to modify parameters of different tracks/devices in the same floating window without taking exclusive control of them. In addition to offering the convenience of having all parameters in one window, you can save up to 6 presets for A/B style comparisons.

Control Matrix has 3 different window sizes, displaying 8, 16 or 32 parameters. If you need to control more parameters you can always load more instances of the device.

Definitely giving this one a try. Just 9EUR.

A PDF manual is available pre-purchase.