This summer is bringing a slew of motion graphics updates. Late last week, we got a first preview of the latest in visual effects powerhouse SideFX Houdini – another studio-grade tool now available for a song.

Houdini 19.5 should get a full reveal this week, but here it is in all its liquid-y, firey goodness:

If you’re in Montreal, the launch event – and a workshop – are later today. We’ll watch for the full updates later this week.

Here’s what we know is in there – lots of new procedural tools, USD options, tools for beginners and hooks for Unity and Unreal, too:

  • Fluid sourcing and solving in SOP (that’s their procedural modeling tool, and explains the promo images that look like futuristic dish detergent being flung through your space station’s kitchen)
  • SOP fluid viscosity, among some other new procedural geometry tools
  • Some serious, serious suppressing (which is making splashy splashy water look really nice)
  • Curve orientation
  • Cutting tools for curves and surfaces (“PolyScalpel”) and UV generations for polywires as experimental Labs features
  • Fire (well and smoke and things – all based on GPU-accelerated tools)… though it does feel like we have enough fire here in the real world at the moment
  • Environmental lights
  • Light filters and networks
  • Content – including for Unreal and Unity
  • Layout line brush, stack brush
  • USD asset database
  • Hair/grooming features (no, not related to the moustache video I just posted)
  • Karma engine features
  • Face scattering! (Materials for skin, etc.)
  • Motion blur
  • Muscles and tissue (though whatever those demo creatures are supposed to be, yikes they’re creepy!)

Good stuff.

You’ll see some discussion on the news page, as well.