
KORG and partner Detune, last seen bringing the M01 to Nintendo handhelds (as well as iMS-20 to iPad), are at it again.

This time, Nintendo 3DS will get a package called the DSN-12. Technically, it’s not just one synth: it’s twelve monosynths, plus effects, plus sequencers.

And you can view it all on an oscilloscope – in three dimensions.

This could be boring, but it isn’t. The results sound gritty, funky, and groovy, and the pattern chaining should appeal to people who like handhelds for their all-in-one musical inspiration. Details are a bit sketchy, but here’s what we’re told:

  • Twelve monophonic synthesizers
  • Add up to three effects
  • Effects modules: delay, chorus, flanger, compressor, kick, and reverb
  • 64-step sequences
  • Chain sequence patterns into 99 scenes
  • 3D oscilloscope display, with both Wave and Lissajous modes (check the hypnotic twisting arcs below)
  • eShop download: North America, South America, Europe.
  • Compatible with 2DS/3DS/3DS XL. (Obviously, 2DS lacks 3D functionality.)
  • Availability: September.

The UI already shows some familiar features from the past KORG DS outings – but, nicely enough, combines the best of each of them. There’s MS-20-style patching for sound creation, pads and keys for live playback, grids for sequencing, mixing options and effects controls.

The press release emphasizes real-time song creation, with “DJ-like” performance controls – so apparently you can load up sequences and perform with them. There’s also file exchange over local communication (no word yet on whether you get SMF export, etc.).

Sounds interesting. We’ll be watching.








