MadMapper, the video projection mapping software for Mac, is now gaining some momentum. We’ll be looking at it more in the coming weeks, but to get you started, here’s an intro video showing what it does, and a tutorial from our friends at 1024 Architecture dealing with a popular project – turning a building into a giant reactive musical equalizer.

The folks behind it, Francois Wunschel and Pierre Schneider, have been doing some fantastic artistic work, so this isn’t just about gimmicks. (see link below)

The essential ingredients in the tutorial:
A Mac
MadMapper (there’s a free demo version, before you shell out EUR299 for a 2-machine license)
Quartz Composer (free Apple tool)
Syphon, the free Mac inter-app framework

Read the full how-to:
MadMapper tutorial | Turn a building into a giant Equalizer

Other useful tutorials:
Multiple video inputs
Grid warping
Spacial Scanner (for automatic mapping!)
Kinect integration

Working with:
Max/MSP and Jitter
Quartz Composer

And for loads more tutorials and inspiration, see the 1024 architecture blog:

More background, from previous coverage:

MadMapper, New Mapping Tool, Released with DMX-Made Cocktails; Video Examples [Create Digital Motion]

With Neon Guitars and Immersive Projection, 1024 Architecture Become Audiovisual Rock Band [Create Digital Music]