The free cable salad-for-visuals tool for the Web gets another big update for October, with everything from enhanced usability to open browser-based VR.

WebXR-VR gets massively enhanced support in this release – you’ll want a headset to enjoy it fully, but then you get dedicated Ops that let you play in and manipulate your creations in full VR.

Some other goodies:

Collaboration management – think permissions, “request access,” and other stuff you’re used to from the likes of Google Docs.

Editor improvements: align patches for neatness, more suggestions, and a really nice implementation of how to connect ports – all stuff other patching tools might want to spy if they don’t do this already.

Oh yeah, and shortcuts for math.

New and updated tools: You also get a bunch of updated and new ops, including a very cool way of visualizing arrays and strings, gradient textures (shades of Hydra there), and a pose-tracking mask.

The geometry stuff looks especially nice, with the ability to combine meshes for optimized performance and to spit out an .obj for tools like Blender.

“Oh, jeez, this is fun, but when will I ever start using it?!” Feel you there – so here’s one place to begin!

Check the full update log:

Back to the chat that happened this week: