Let the spectral madness begin, all speedy and Intel-y on your MacBook: VOKATOR and SPEKTRAL DELAY are finally here, rounding out NI’s Intel-native lineup and gathering the last of the stragglers onto Apple’s faster new machines. Vokator 1.2 and Spektral Delay 1.6 each add Intel-native support for Macs. That’s it; there’s nothing else here for you. Windows users, move along. (Too bad, as it would have been nice to get some little present in the update. New presets, maybe? Anything?)

Nonetheless, these are two of my favorite processing plug-ins, and having them ready for Intel Macs is truly a great thing. Expect to see me vocoding my voice at the next gig.

Cost: US$29 / EUR 25 upgrade, or free for owners of the individual plug-in or Komplete who registered after 9/12/06.

Spektral Delay Universal Binary
Vokator Universal Binary

Anyone out there using VOKATOR for live vocoding effects? (In case you’ve been struggling, soon I’ll post my tutorial on setting this up in Ableton Live, which is not immediately intuitive because of the lack of dedicated side-chains in Live, though it is possible.)