Want to make music and motion with unusual inputs, like Wii controllers, Lemur multi-touch touchscreens, Monomes, and (now) 3D mice? OSCulator is a wonderful app that supports OpenSoundControl and sends MIDI events, with support for some hardware that can’t be supported any other way. The new 2.5 version adds new stuff:
- SpaceNavigator 3D mouse device support
- Mouse support
- Raw IR data from the Wiimote controller (Nintendo Wii)
- AppleScripting
- OSC Forward
- Keyboard combos
- “Meta events”
Software like Max/MSP and Reaktor will support OSC natively, but using MIDI input and output, you can hook up Kyma workstations and any MIDI software under the sun.
Software is pay-what-you-will, with a US$29 minimum.
Camille Troillard is the wonderful musician you can thank for this tool, a member of the band Neimo which evidently is coming stateside, so stay tuned!