NAMM: Korg padKONTROL, Perfect Drum Trigger?

Sometimes you wish you could just take something off the NAMM show floor and put it in your suitcase. Such was the case with the padKONTROL, 4×4 triggering hardware from Korg complete with an X/Y touchpad and incredible customizability. Why am I thinking about this now? Because I sure could use it on some tracks […]

Play a Virtual Atari 2600 Like a Musical Instrument, Via Jitter

VJing and jamming with Pitfall, controlled from MIDI drums? Heck, yes!Max/MSP/Jitter is a multimedia environment that also happens to be a development tool, the upshot being that you can do bizarre things like emulate the chips of Atari, Sega, Nintendo, and Coleco game systems (covered previously). Now imagine you could turn those emulations into a […]

Inside Logic Pro 7.2: Big Improvements — But No More Pro Tools 6

Updated: This story incorrectly stated the upgrade price for Serato Pitch & Time was US$99; it’s US$399. Apple is now shipping its 7.2 update to Logic Pro, well ahead of schedule. (It was originally slated for March.) As Steve Jobs touted in the keynote, this crossgrade will deliver Universal binary support for Intel processors. But […]

Apple Surprises Mactel Developers with Logic?

It seems we weren’t the only ones surprised by Logic 7.2 shipping early — only, if you’re a plug-in developer trying to finish a Universal Binary for the new Intel Macs, you might not be so pleasantly surprised. Such seems to be the case with Audio Damage who planned to finish plug-ins in time for […]

Hemispherical Loudspeaker: Ultimate Performance Speaker?

If you frequent experimental music concerts and performance art events, you might have seen them: mysterious, spherical and polyhedronalish speaker arrays, looking a bit like an unmanned space probe or an alien soccer ball. Now you can have one of your very own: Electrotap has announced they’re shipping the Hemisphere speaker array. And forget the […]

Watch Guitarists Die Horrible Deaths; Guitar Rig 2 Shipping

How would you sell guitar amp and effects software? In the fall, we watched IK Multimedia resort to the usual, sexist approach: hire a supermodel and make some pun on amp “modeling.” Native Instruments is taking a different approach, showing different ways conventional amps can kill you. Not since the Spinal Tap drummers has on-screen […]

Free, Legendary, and Now More Open: Csound 5 Upgrade

Geeky, powerful (if tricky to master), free — it’s Csound 5. This audio program, which can trace its lineage directly to the first ever digital audio synthesis tool, doesn’t get major upgrades that often. So the just-released version 5 upgrade is big news, if nothing else because it makes Csound interoperable with lots of other […]

Nam June Paik, 1932-2006

I’m sad to report that composer and artist Nam June Paik died Sunday evening January 29 at his home in Miami. The funeral will be this Friday here in New York; information at the Nam June Paik Website. Contributions can be sent to Electronic Arts Intermix, the nonprofit arts organization devoted to digital art and […]

PSP Sequencer in Development; 2.60 Firmware Hacked

Okay, Sony PSP owners: get ready to make still more noise. We’ve just seen another major release for the superb PSP Rhythm 3 drum machine. Now, get ready for a PSP sequencer: PSP Seq Ver 0.00 has begun development with basic sequencing functionality all in place. Features are bare-bones — song and sound design functionality […]

Faderfox Live/DJ MIDI Controllers Hit 2nd Generation; Worldwide Shipping

Like many, I’ve been eagerly anticipating trying the ultra-compact Faderfox “micromodul” controllers. They’re small enough to fit over the QWERTY keyboard on a laptop or to be propped atop a music keyboard, and are specially designed for applications like Ableton Live and Traktor DJ. With multi-function triggers, joysticks, and cross-faders on top of the usual […]