Musikmesse: Collaborate Online with

Now in public beta (form required) but launching in August, is an ambitious one-stop-shop for online collaboration. No, it's not just new-fangled live collaboration; it's the whole package: Interactive VST collaboration: Send audio and MIDI via a VST 2.0 plugin live to and from anywhere, with high-quality audio (256 kb MP3 max, stereo), on […]

Play OS X Audio Instantly, Free

Tom Erbe of Soundhack fame has finally brought his old Mac utility Instant Player to OS X. (download the beta from his freeware page) Option-click a sound in the Finder, and it plays instantly — no mucking about in the multi-column view required. Insanely cool for quick sound browsing, so give it a shot! Updated: […]

Pro Tools: Now Compatible with (Some) M-Audio Devices

The story so far: Pro Tools has traditionally been tied to software, including their LE software which requires an Mbox or 002 interface. Then Digidesign purchased M-Audio, a company that had become the fastest-growing music maker in the business by selling hardware accessories for all of Digi's rivals. Well, if you've been waiting to see […]

Musikmesse: Cakewalk/Edirol Bundles and Project5 Date

No major new products from Windows developer Cakewalk — that came in January at NAMM — but worth mentioning: TAKE THAT, DIGIDESIGN: Audio and MIDI production environment SONAR LE will now be bundled with Edirol hardware. Windows users, this means some serious value with Edirol keyboards and audio interfaces. LE is no crippleware: 24-bit / […]

Musikmesse: Native Guitar Combos Virtual Amps

Prefer the "a la carte" approach to virtual amps/effects for your guitar to the "all you can eat buffet" bundle? Native Instruments' new Guitar Combos series will offer three amp models with effects: Twang Combo: models Fender Twin Reverb AC Box Combo: models Vox AC-30 Plexi Combo: models Marshall JMP50 Each features cabinet emulation with […]

Musikmesse: Reaktor 5, Modular Sound Powerhouse

Reaktor is already a so-insanely-powerful-it-makes-my-head-hurt powerhouse combining sound creation, sampling, effects, and interactivity. Now get ready for Native Instruments' Reaktor 5: Core Technology: Low-level signal processing is now woven into the DNA of Reaktor, so you can build custom oscillators, filters, EQs, delays, and the like from scratch. (Look out, Max/MSP, in other words!) And […]

2,650 Piano Rolls, Digitally Scanned

Terry Smythe has digitally scanned 2,650 vintage piano rolls (and counting) and converted them into zipped-up MIDI file archives. Those are standard MIDI files, folks, so fire up GarageBand or Live or whatever and see what you can do with them! Check out the technical details of how it was done; there are enough people […]

Musikmesse: TC Electronic Goes Gaga for Guitars, Other Audio Goodies

TC Electronic has loads of new hardware at Musikmesse (see their roundup of announcements), but the biggest news is for guitarists: The G-System is a new high-end floor based guitar system. Think TC Electronic's high-quality effects, but for guitarists, plus analog loops, amp switching, floor control, and 9VDC power for your pedals. Effects don't skimp, […]

More on NI Reaktor 5 Modular Workstation

Reaktor 5 looks poised to be the most intense sound generation studio ever (see earlier report). More juicy details: Predesigned building blocks for creating custom instruments and effects Better sound quality: anti-aliased oscillators, over-sampled structures and high-quality interpolation delays Real sampling and beat syncing everywhere: true, live sampling, plus effect modules with auto-normalisation and tempo-synchronous […]

Native Instruments: Hello, Los Angeles!!!

Native Instruments may be rocking out Germany at the Musikmesse conference, but that didn't stop them from throwing a huge invite-only bash in L.A. CDM's Pierce Case was there, and caught a live demo of a beta of Reaktor 5, plus a live demo of Guitar Combos by Guitarist Joel Whitley. California actually got a […]