Search results for "projection"

More 3D Sculptural Projections: Pablo Valbuena’s Augmented Sculpture

Greetings, programs! Pablo Valbuena’s “augmented sculptures” are gorgeous … and, yes, do recall a certain ground-breaking Disney sci fi film. It’s been a long time coming, but projection is slowly making its way out of the single, flat rectangle that so often constrains it. (Not that we don’t love single, flat rectangles, of course.) The […]

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DigitalPerformance on Short-Throw Projection with Mirrors

Digital artists, visualists, VJs … invariably, we all get stuck trying to figure out how to make projection look fantastic in tiny spaces. The challenge: make a big image even with a short distance to the projection surface. DigitalPerformance magazine, an online blog/zine out of the Gertrude Stein Repertory Theatre in New York, has begun […]

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Emergency Broadcast Network: 90s Video Artists, with Projection Vehicles and Missiles

Mashups. Sampling a President named Bush. Bah. In the early 90s, life was better. Multimedia collective Emergency Broadcast Network was sampling found footage in truly clever ways — using VHS, artifacts and all. And driving around in massive projection assault vehicles with rotating satellite dishes. And building rockets into golf bags. Really. Now that’s my […]

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IKEA Interactive Projection — In Bed!

Looking for new projection surfaces, but too tired to get out of bed? Wait a minute — we may be onto something: Now, admittedly, the IKEA installation doesn’t realize the full potential of this idea. (Hey, corporate clients … you know how it is.) I think bed projection is an idea worth stealing. How adding […]

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Panoramic Projections on the Cheap

Austrian VJs Lichterloh have a novel solution for creating surround projections without needing to render and cut up massive compositions or drop loads of money on multi-head projector setups. Get your push/offset filter ready, because that’s all you’re going to need! You could render loops with the offset filter so they’re scrolling horizontally, but it’s […]

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The Walls of MOMA as Giant Projection Surface: Doug Aitken/Creative Time

A commissioned installed will transform the Museum of Modern Art in New York into a walk-in/walk-by movie theater. Artist Doug Aitken will be creating his first large-scale installation in the United States. And there’s no question it’s large-scale: the new MOMA has vast, hulking rectangular spaces on its exterior, a nod to the museum’s High […]

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Data Mining for Fun and Projection

I pulled Digg from my RSS reader soon after they opened up more categories a month or so ago. That site was killed by Popular Website: Retard Influx Syndrome faster than anything I’ve ever seen. So I wasn’t up to date enough to check out the 20 million “private” search queries AOL published before it […]

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Pimp My Photonbomber: Projection Van and Site Specific Production from France

From the Straight Out Of More Cash department (sorry Adrian). If your outdoor projection is riding a big budget, you should take a look at French projection collective Uruk Videomachine‘s mobile rig to get some ideas on how those corporate dollars could best be spent. The truck looks great, but what they’re doing with it […]

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Photon Bombing: Outdoor Portable Projection Howto

GRL and Eyebeam have posted a new instructable on portable projection, with advice on projector output, projection surfaces, car and battery selection, and how not best to overload your inverter, causing it to shoot flame inside your rental van. Outdoor digital projection in urban environments is a great method for getting your content up big […]

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Better quality projection over longer wires: S-Video to CAT5 Baluns

Over the course of a conversation with Peter I became aware that he was oblivious to the existence of video baluns. This made me wonder, how many other VJs are going through life as he is: Anxious and empty, unsure whether the venue he’s playing at will be able to do justice to the imagery […]

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