Watch a hacked DJ technique made with karaoke tapes, by Ōedo Technica

Vinyl? CDJ? Meh. Hand-mixing and “scratching” karaoke cassette tapes on hacked machines as a new form of strange pop music DJing? Now we’re talking. Behold the YouTube channel of 大江戸テクニカ (Ōedo tekunika).

Those new Sequential Prophets just got desktop versions

If you want a premium synth and don’t need the keyboard or want it to fit into a little less space, Sequential has made desktop renditions of both Prophet-5 and Prophet-10.

Strum is a mesmerizing new take on arpeggiators and performance – Max for Live

Able to roll through chords, make organic arpeggiations, and spin out hypnotic melodies, Strum looks like the most addictive Max for Live device in recent memory.

Roland Verselab MV-1 combines drum machine, looper, melody, vocals

Roland’s latest outgrowth from their shared hardware platform is a groove machine, song arrangement tool, and looper – one that acknowledges some people want to do both beats and vocals.

How MPE can work on hardware synths: a look at Sequential OB-6, Prophet 6 updates

Chicken and egg problem, no more. MIDI Polyphonic Expression is now in commonly available controller hardware and software like Ableton Live 11. So let’s check in at the synth maker of the father of MIDI – Dave Smith’s house Sequential and see what happens when you add it to classic synthesizers.

Happy Jamuary – kick it off with this compact duo of MeeBlip and Zoom

When you feel like you’re out of ideas, when you’ve obsessed over that edit and that knob, when your mood has gone south… it’s time to stop everything and jam. January doldrums, meet Jamuary bliss.

Take in an ultra-chilled live ambient set by Nairobi’s KMRU, and learn technique, too

Let’s give New Year’s Day one more try. Over three hours of live-streamed pristine ambient delicacy from rising star KMRU should fit the bill. Immerse yourself, and then if you feel the need to make your own sounds, catch a workshop or other inspiration, too.

Find zen-like calm with these perfect miniature synthesizer videos

We all need a way to center, a way to lower our blood pressure and cure insomnia. Forget ASMR or videos of ocean waves or whatever. Just watch these mesmerizing videos of tiny, tiny, tiny accurate models of classic synthesizers.

Pipa is a unique vocal synth that’s supremely fun to play [Hands-on]

Lying somewhere between organic and artificial in its sound, the vocal synth Pipa – available as both an iPad app and a Mac and Windows plug-in – is genuinely new and refreshing.

Freebie watch: Diablo Lite is built to make drums punch, slap, and hit harder

It really sounds like we want our drums to beat us up. Anyway, Diablo Lite, a new free plug-in from Cymatics, is all about harder-hitting drums – and it in fact is some nice boutique software.