Bastl’s new Midilooper is like a Loop Station… for MIDI jamming

After three years of development, testing, and messing around with it in their own live performances, Bastl say they’ve hit on a recipe for making audio-style looping work with MIDI.

OB-Xd 2.0: Open Oberheim-inspired synth for Mac, Windows, Linux adds loads of improvements

discoDSP just released 2.0 of their open-source plug-in inspired by the Oberheim OB-X, with new features, Linux and high-res display support, and more.

BRDG stream from Tokyo is a hyperactive extravaganza of audiovisual madness

Stream burnout is real. But Wedneday’s visual effects-heavy AV lineup from Tokyo is a shot of adrenaline mixed with sugar. On twice: Tokyo time 20:30, again Berlin time 21:00. Ted Pallas reports.

OSC/PILOT is a new Windows touch controller app – and deadmau5 is already using it

deadmau5 is releasing the app he’s torture-tested in his live shows, OSC/PILOT. It’s like a Windows-only successor to Lemur, with some powerful features, developed by one of the developers behind TouchDesigner. is a Max for Live toystore, from Shanghai’s ayrtbh + Gooooose

Two of Shanghai’s most adventurous experimental electronic artists have opened up their toolset, with The Envelope Sequencer is the latest to join these Max for Live treats – SEQUENCER ELECTRONICS.

“Studios with threatening auras” delivers aptly apocalyptic studio shots

“Against the clock” sounds like – literally, ominous. “Bedroom producer” becomes a government-enforced reality. And so, here’s “Studios with threatening auras” at just the right time.

MOTU learning: DP clips and tips, film scoring in free bundled Performer Lite

The team at MOTU has been busy in the past weeks, posting some in-depth webinars on production. Some feature the flagship DP10 DAW, of course, but there are some great tips for the M-series audio interface and its free Performer Lite, too.

Saffron supports women, non-binary people in music tech – now with online memberships

UK-based Saffron had already created an extensive set of offerings for women and non-binary people in learning and developing in music tech. But now their online membership structure is open to you, wherever you are.

How video signal processing emerged as real-time art

As we continue giving you the virtual version of the electronic media and music festivals you’ve been missing, here’s a flashback to a fascinating history of video processing as art form.

Novation Launchpad now has a free set of tools in Pd to hack your own controllers

Hack your Launchpad! Novation’s new r_cycle lets you design your own layouts and interactions, and even turn them into instruments and effects, all in the free Pure Data environment.