Transform Sounds for Free, with Tools Made with MeeBlip anode by Diego Stocco

The technique is called convolution, and it uses the power of digital audio theory to combine sounds, as if one is heard “inside” another. And if you’ve heard of it before, you probably associate it with reverb – rightfully so, as you can produce highly detailed, realistic reverberation with the technique. But as celebrated film […]

modulus.002 Polysynth: Premium, Analog Meets Modern Synth in Video

Sonicstate has a First Look at the new Modulus 002 from Andy McCreeth on Vimeo. It’s been a while since Britain produced a polysynth with analog filters. So perhaps it’s fitting that SonicState gets up close with the modulus.002, in a lavish, nearly half-hour tour of the instrument, as this luxury instrument goes head to […]

Polymer Makes Multiple Synths into One [Exclusive]

So, you’ve assembled a nice collection of synthesizers. Maybe there’s hardware – some KORG volcas, a MeeBlip or two, or even modular. And of course, you have software synths, as well. Playing each individually – that’s kind of limited. Why not treat these as the digital instruments they are? That’s the idea behind Polymer, a […]

Hands-on with Akai’s new iMPC Pro for iPad: Mobile Beat Production

MPC-style editing – on the go. iMPC Pro samples other apps, and iTunes, and a big library of sounds, and then makes those sounds easy to play from your fingers (or special accessory hardware).

Elektron and KORG volca Jam, and Quick Thoughts on Why We Love Hardware

We’re not so much in the habit of posting jams on CDM, but this one is especially nice – even through the freak-out visuals. And it comes from friends – Nigel Mullaney, with recording and engineering by Ian Boddy. Seen in the film: Elektron Analog4 keys Elektron Octatrak Elektron Machinedrum KORG volca series Look closely […]

There’s an Unofficial Eurorack Version of MeeBlip anode

You can’t buy it – it’s a one-of-a-kind model – but someone was enough in love with the sound of MeeBlip anode that they built their own modular version.

British Synth Power: Modulus Music 002 Polysynth Now in Clearer Pictures, Sounds

The 002 is starting to look like another synth you won’t be able to afford, but will drool over – like the synth equivalent of watching an Aston Martin roll by. But boy, is it sounding fantastic. Everything we loved about the Monowave appears to be massively expanded in polyphonic form, a full-on, big budget […]

Squeezebox of the Future: Playing the Striso [Video]

It’s a beautiful, sunny day in London. A velveteen grassy green field calls out under pure blue skies and lazy clouds. And… you can’t see your laptop in the glare, you’re out of battery, and your music studio is underground. Not only will you be miserable, you’ll be playing alone. So, kudos to Striso, the […]

How to Add a Tuner and Other Guitar Essentials, Free, for Ableton Live and More

Computers – a category now very likely including the phone in your pocket – open up worlds of utility that previously required dedicated devices. Audio recorder? Metronome? Tuner? There’s really no reason that shouldn’t be right in the box. That said, our friend Marco Raaphorst was musing on the absence of a guitar tuner in […]

A New Lab Opens Music Making to People with Learning Disabilities

Let’s face it: the initial audience for the first version of music tech is often the developers. That impulse to build something for yourself is a perfectly reasonable one. But music technology is constantly producing new ways of creating music, and that means it has to learn quickly. Unlike, say, a guitar, it can’t build […]