Free as in Freedom to Break S***: Blender Makes Things Shatter Real Pretty [Video]

I’ve had a lot of conversations lately that run something like this: free and open source tools shouldn’t just be shown for the sake of it. They should be better – demonstrably so. Here’s the funny thing: free software advocates are often the people nodding in agreement. And in some cases, they can blow your […]

It’s Official: Multi-touch Pioneer, Apple Supplier Partnering on “Disruptive Touch Tech” [Analysis]

Behind this tech are some essential building blocks. And the vendor of one of those, a key component in the touchscreen, has some news next week. Photo (CC-BY) Ken Hawkins. Let’s do some quick math: put together the first maker of a consumer multi-touch product (also the first real multi-touch music product), and one of […]

MIDI in the Browser: HTML5 + MIDI Document Up for Review, Audio Improving, Too

Hey, why the heck not? (CC-BY-SA) farnea. Imagine connecting to MIDI gadgets – inputs and outputs – and sequencing musical patterns from a browser. (As a developer, imagine doing that from JavaScript. As a user, imagine doing that right inside your browser window with a music app.) For now, such things exist only on a […]

Digital Addiction, Electronic Fetish, and Paola Rocchetti [Animation of the Week]

In “Addictions,” screens explode with glitchy, vibrating textures and faces become deconstructed masses, propped up in fetish-like guises and interlaced movement. We’re witnessing the work of Paola Rocchetti, who sends over examples and showreels that easily qualify as this week’s animated inspiration. Her work extends from motion and animation into the more traditional realms of […]

A Haunting Chilean Single, Accompanied by Found Sound Videos [Listening + Vimeo]

In their lonely, intimate single “Pillatu,” the Chile-based duo of Vicente Espinoza and Alfredo Duarte offer some haunting music-making. Entitled El Gato, la Virgen & el Diablo (“the cat, the virgin, and the devil”), the artists are also making a kind of multimedia presentation of the work. Thanks to these CDM readers for sending in […]

Synths Versus Real Primates: So Easy, a Monkey Can Play Them? A Zoo Finds Out

Synths meet monkeys. Photo: Andreas Tilliander. Composer and Swedish dance music maestro Håkan Libdo has been a constant source of experimentation. But his latest project yields zoo-like new adventurousness. Six species of monkeys are equipped with synthesizers to test the question of whether playing a synth is really playing music – or if it’s so […]

Traktor 2.5, Kontrol F1 Arrive with Live Features; Hoping for More Live DJing

Features come and features go. As upgrades go, Traktor 2.5 has plenty to recommend it – plus, it’s free for current Traktor 2 users, meaning you probably don’t need anyone’s advice to try it out. So, then, the question is: will tools mean that the DJ gigs you hear be any different? There’s nothing wrong […]

Mapping, in Motion: Projection Meets Stepper Motor for Rotating Fun [vvvv+Arduino]

File another project under “project imagery everywhere.” In the latest illusory technique for merging digital visuals with the physical environment, this uses motors to make the visually-activated object to seem fully virtual. It’s also another example of goodness with vvvv and the ubiquitous “interfacing with the real world” platform, Arduino. (Side note: it was a […]

Sword & Sworcery, Remixed By Japanese Game Music Legends [Preview]

This may sum up how I feel about this project. It almost certainly embodies how composer Jim Guthrie must have felt, as a who’s who of Japanese game music takes on his work. Photo (of the Tokyo Game Show, natch) (CC-BY) kanegen. Sword & Sworcery, the iPad album-as-game, has gotten plenty of love from this […]

triqtraq, a Fun iPhone Jam Sequencer – And Yes, You Can Use Your Own Samples

We hear you: amidst the various music doodling tools calibrated for casual taps on a phone screen, you want something you can actually make your own with your own sounds. Here’s one example of that: triqtraq. It’s got the “tap it on the bus to improvise a pattern” feel of some of the apps we’ve […]