Here’s a product name I didn’t expect to come back: it’s the Roland GAIA 2. But despite the name and form factor, the new GAIA has a different architecture – virtual analog plus wavetable, and support for (some) Model Expansions so you can swap out different instrument engines.
Moog Music releases statement on layoffs
Moog Music has responded to concerns about last week’s layoffs in their Asheville, NC production facility, via their Facebook page.
Bitwig Studio and TouchDesigner can now play one another
Welp, now that we’ve been putting modular environments inside modules inside modular rigs, next we get to make TouchDesigner play Bitwig Studio and Bitwig Studio play TouchDesigner — and Bitwig’s modular The Grid and TouchDesigner’s modular UI interact. It’s all coming on the eve of the TouchDesigner Roundtable in Berlin – and it’s even part of the official Touch build. 3D and generative visuals, meet the DAW.
Could a new DAW file exchange format help you move projects around?
So far, it’s got just two DAWs behind it – Bitwig Studio and PreSonus Studio One – but DAWproject’s creators hope the format will become a new open standard that lets you move projects between software.
Premiere: In new kāve LP, pre-classical Persian verse meets the machine
Machine Learning Poetry, the new LP from Tehran’s kāve, is not pastoral or pretty. It’s 10th-12 century poetry made into a brutal digital assault – machine learning sound that cuts like a full-force buzz saw. And it’s fantastic.
Free now: Voculon 3000 is a wonderful retro-futuristic vocal instrument
This week only, Puremagnetik is giving away their beautiful Voculon 3000 – a “retro-futuristic” vocal machine that can bring you into some alternate timeline, at least for a little while.
Using Ableton Push 3 to work with hardware, play live, and capture ideas
The excellent Nadia Struiwigh has taken out time from her busy production and live touring schedule to break down how she works with Push 3 standalone and hardware. There are tons of great ideas here – and while we’re on the topic, here’s a useful hardware accessory for expanding Push 3 with more CV outputs.
Maxell would like you to know that they still make audio cassette tapes
Memorex, Sony, TDK — most of the names once associated with selling blank compact cassettes to consumers have since discontinued production. But one holdout still making tapes is Maxell – and their social media manager does not what you to forget it.
Moog Music layoffs provoke dismay in synth community
Several reports have confirmed steep layoffs this week at Moog Music’s Asheville, NC headquarters, shortly following an acquisition by InMusic (parent of Akai, Numark, Alesis, and others). Even in a tough year, these cuts are uniquely significant, as they strike at the brand story of the single best-known name in synths.
“Exist is a feeling”: Organizers talk about their festival after losing Odai Masri
Palestinian-global festival and music platform Exist reached London this month at Cafe OTO, the latest triumph of adventurous programming and acrobatic work across borders and international challenges. Exist has always been abound reaching beyond boundaries, organizers say. This year, they have some poignant messages about what music can do to reach beyond the boundary between life and death. And they’ve shared some crucial thoughts and music with us as they reflect on that mission.