Generative Human Imagery: From a Branding Project to an Elegant, Custom Tool

What began as a simple branding project for a pharmaceutical company evolved into beautiful, generative imagery, produced by a custom tool. Built with Processing (and the controlP5 library), the Actelion Imagery Wizard takes parameterized drawing to explode and reintegrate particle-driven illustrations of DNA, and faces, in what the designers call, neatly, “digital molecules.” The project […]

Sound Inventor Diego Stocco on Ideas, Sonic Memory; New Cinematic Oxygen Tank Soundscape to Hear

Compose and sound designer Diego Stocco, seen often in these parts, has an endlessly-inspiring approach to inventing new timbres. That process of, as he puts it, “bringing music into the process of creating sounds” is sometimes destructive – as in, sawing an instrument in half destructive. It seems often at the edge of obliterating the […]

With Animation and Live Visuals, Meet Annapurna, CDM's Newest Visualist Contributor

Ed.: Create Digital Motion is now five years old, and we hear more than ever from a community that wants to see more in-depth coverage of visuals for music, interactive visuals, and live performance visuals and VJing. I couldn’t be more excited to begin to introduce some new voices to make that happen on this […]

With Animation and Live Visuals, Meet Annapurna, CDM’s Newest Visualist Contributor

Ed.: Create Digital Motion is now five years old, and we hear more than ever from a community that wants to see more in-depth coverage of visuals for music, interactive visuals, and live performance visuals and VJing. I couldn’t be more excited to begin to introduce some new voices to make that happen on this […]

Moogerfooger Cluster Flux Analog FX: Hands-on with Moog’s Chief Engineer; Sound Samples

There’s a new analog Moog effect in town. So who better to tell us about it and get us some hands-on time than Moog Music’s Chief Engineer? Moog’s next Moogerfooger, the Cluster Flux or “MF-108M” if you want to sound more serious, promises to be a versatile analog effect processor. It’s a flanger / chorus […]

IanniX, Sequencing Video with Geometry and OSC, Free

Like audio, movies came from linear media; many a film student wound up splicing film with razor blades or editing with giant take-up reels on a Steenbeck. (I know I did.) But in the digital realm, we’re faced with the daunting possibility that video editing could look like absolutely anything. Media could be sequenced in […]

Music in Space and Time: Wild Geometries and Sequencing in Iannix, Free

Nerds: It’s an OSC sequencer. It’s JavaScript-programmable for making your own generative music. It works with hardware and other software. You can use it in real-time. Everyone: it makes spectacularly strange sounds out of spectacularly beautiful flows of geometries through space. IanniX, the latest-generation descendant of work done by pioneering experimental composer Iannis Xenakis, has […]

Modul8 Gets New Beginner-Friendly Manual, Expert-Ready Custom Module Documented

I wouldn’t normally rave about a manual, but — this is how it should be done. Kudos! (Well, that and the one time Edirol bizarrely did a set of ninja videos for motion Modul8, the popular Mac live video tool, got bumped to version 2.6.3 this week. But the most important change is a […]

Rauschenberg-Like Collage in a New iPad App: Composite

The iPad as artistic tool is not without its flaws. Finger painting, effectively, on its screen is nowhere near as precise as using a dedicated digital stylus like a Wacom, and lacks tangible feedback (as actual finger painting would give you, delightfully). And as a digital tablet, conventional painting metaphors can feel stretched. That hasn’t […]

Salva on Writing Music on iPad with Modular Tabletop; Download Music Mixes

More than any technical obstacle, and very often more than any artistic or inspirational challenge, very often the single biggest enemy of music making is time. Finding a way to comfortably develop ideas anywhere, therefore, is a godsend. And some of our favorite artists are the ones who’ve found a way to simply keep producing. […]