3D Image Capture on Mobile? Scalado Multi-Angle Demo

Apologies for the marketing video, but the technology here looks compelling. Using multi-angle capture, phone camera tech vendor Scalado presents an impressively-seamless illusion of “3D image” on mobiles. There’s definitely potential here, and while I suspect Scalado won’t be the only entrant in this arena, their demos and SDK look like they could be serious […]

Led by Deru, a Wonderful Band of Artists to Head to Iceland to Make a Soundtrack, Film

A merry band of complementary filmmakers, photographers, and musicians, a curated ensemble perfectly fitted to the landscape, are heading to remote Iceland to make images and a musical soundtrack inspired by the landscape and its people. Photographers Tim Navis + Kim Høltermand and film collective Scenic are heading up the visual component, while composer and […]

MuseScore 1.1, Free and Open Source Notation, Rivals – and Plays with – Sibelius 7

An example score produced with MuseScore’s new lead sheet features. Music notation software has long been seen as a two-horse race, a Pepsi versus Coke stand-off between Finale and Sibelius. But not only are there other alternatives, too, here’s one tool that’s making free and open source notation viable. I’ve spoken previously about engraving tool […]

3D and Animation, Graphical Patching in the Browser, with vvvv – vvvv.js

Imagine access to the power of the modern Web browser – the HTML5 Canvas, hardware-accelerated graphics via WebGL, animation, and more. Now imagine that instead of writing code to access that power, you can connect modules for graphical patching. Windows visualists may recognize the software VVVV. But whereas that tool was restricted to the capabilities […]

Sibelius 7 Notation Software: Updated UI, More Samples, 64-bit, More Interchange and Sharing

Avid released Sibelius 7 yesterday. Highlights in the new version: A new UI. The most apparent change is a new user interface with dockable, tabbed panels. The design borrows heavily from Microsoft’s Office Ribbon, though a more subdued appearance makes it look just as comfortable on the Mac. My guess is that power users may […]

A More Robust Live Setup in Live, Free on Mac with Automator

In the ongoing struggle to make a laptop into an instrument, there’s inevitably the scramble onstage (or even in a studio) to get everything primed and ready to play. You want to adjust settings, launch certain applications, and generally get your laptop ready for actual music making. Wouldn’t it be nice to make all of […]

Live from Beijing: Audiovisual Broadcast Today, and a Platform for Conversations and Education

Artist gogo (Sheng Jie ) in Tokyo. Presenting artists from around Earth to viewers around Earth, a center in Beijing has found a way to do live performance for a sleepless world without waking the neighbors. Let me start out by saying this: if you read CDM from China, say hello. We’re in the wrong […]

Not a Turntable, Not a Knob: A New Inertial Sensor Music Controller, as Artists Explore

The appeal of new controllers is melding gesture and sound, metaphor – in tangible form – and musical idea. So before talking about this controller, have a listen to the sounds it produces in the hands of one user, even if another user might do something very different. In a demonstration by Richard Devine, sparse […]

Beams of Light Meet Bodies, in Kinect-Powered Dance and Audiovisual Work

Working in 3D light projection, Dieter Vandoren has created a project that makes visual shapes and sounds from particles. Bodies interrupt beams of light, fused with audio and image via Kinect-powered tracking. First presented in Rotterdam at the Open Dans festival in June, the work draws inspiration from David Rokeby’s “Very Nervous System” computer vision, […]

Track Master Makes Your Trackpad a MIDI Controller; A Must-Download for Mac

You’ve heard all the complaints about laptops onstage. But since there are many arguments for a laptop, why not put all that powerful hardware to use, and make your Mac laptop part of a musically-expressive performance? Track Master, a Mac-only application available on the Mac App Store (and one of the few serious music offerings […]