iPhone Day: Star6 Demonstrates Elegance of Mobile UI, Live Mobile Music with Style

The novelty of the iPhone or [your favorite device here] may fade. But part of what matters in mobile design is thinking about how to create interfaces and uses that can scale to the size of your palm. That can mean embracing radical simplicity, and reducing an interactive, digital musical object down to its essential […]

iPhone Day: LaDiDa’s Reverse Karaoke Composes Accompaniment to Singing

LaDiDa Demo from khush on Vimeo. There’s no question iPhone/iPod touch development – really, just clever mobile development – has gotten a bit overhyped lately. But that’s all the more reason to do a round-up of genuinely interesting stories, real innovation happening on the platform. So, I’m clearing out my inbox with some of the […]

The Speaking Piano, and Transforming Audio to MIDI

Austrian Composer Peter Ablinger has transformed a child speaking so that it can be played as MIDI events on a mechanically-controlled piano, making the piano a kind of speech speaker. Via Matrixsynth, the readers at Hack a Day get fairly involved with how this may be working. It seems not quite accurate to describe this […]

TouchOSC Resolume Tool for iPhone Control Joins VDMX, Modul8 Layouts

With the iPod touch starting around $200, the Apple mobile platform is undoubtedly the most sophisticated, affordable multi-touch controller you can drop in the palm of your hand. It’s tough to beat the tactile feedback of conventional hardware with knobs and faders, but then, it’s also tough to resist having a little additional control from […]

You, Too Can Learn Renoise: Video Tutorial from Dac Makes you a Tracker

Seeing a tracker interface for the first time can be intimidating. But dive in a bit deeper, and you’ll discover what’s actually a very efficient interface for programming in musical sequences and working with samples. With just ten days left in the Renoise – Indamixx music production contest, there’s still time to get up and […]

VJing with the Half Life 2 Game Engine

“Games” are, at their heart, high-performance, real-time-optimized, interactive three-dimensional graphics engines. And that means that, by focusing on their live graphical capabilities, they can become incredibly advanced live visual instruments – the stuff of VJs and visualists. A number of artists have put that to good use. Riley Harmon sends along his work with the […]

Greetings from Princeton monome Monomeet; Thanks for the monomies

Bliss – SevenUpLive 1.4 Preview from bar|none on Vimeo. monome lovers have come from all over the planet to exchange tips and creative ideas and check out music here in Princeton, New Jersey at the Monomeet. I’m here shooting some video, so expect a feature and links to some of the projects in a few […]

Exquisite Music Video Paints Sound, Rhodes, Moog in Light Paint

In the Pocket (Rhodes and Moog Light Paint) from Ethan Goldhammer on Vimeo. Fantastic, hip, soulful keys couple with brilliant stop-motion editing, as a Moog and Rhodes keyboard are splashed with light painting, in this new music video from Ethan Goldhammer. (See his blog for more.) It’s the perfect example of how a much-seen technique […]

Music for an Olympic Bid: Making of Antipop’s Madrid 2016 Songs

My own President Obama is this week off making his pitch for why Chicago should host the Olympic Games. Correction. Oops. I need to read the news. Chicago was eliminated first. But look out – our friends at Antipop (slogan: “antipop music for a pop music”) are using a different tool in their arsenal: music. […]

This Week in Awesome Videos

It’s Friday, folks. You don’t want to think. You want to give your eyeballs a nice dip in cool, refreshing retinal stimulation. Grab a fistful of eye candy and relax on the couch. Here are just a few to get you started; feel free to add more fodder for weekend watching on comments. CDMusic was […]