No, this is not Processing. Looking for inspiration only within our computer boxes is limiting. Want a fresh perspective? Check out the physical world. And yes, you’ll find even alien-looking patterns of particles out there. I recently read a post by talented digital artist Golan Levin pointing to the non-digital work of Ward Fleming. According […]
CDM RSS Problem – Fixed
Thanks to those of you who reported a temporary issue with Create Digital Music’s RSS feed. I believe we’ve resolved this problem: you can blame an accidental edit to a configuration file. (WordPress users, if you ever happen to encounter this problem yourself, has a tip for you.) We have traditionally used the Feedburner […]
Dispatches: Interviewing Lusine on Detroit’s People Mover
Lusine on the Detroit People Mover, Movement 2009 from Create Digital Media on Vimeo. I’ve been a big admirer of Lusine’s adept sound palette, which smartly blends minimal, techno, and ambient techniques. That, in turn, represents to me some of the best stuff the US-based label Ghostly International is turning out. Liz McLean Knight sends […]
Can Augmented Reality Make Real Games, Expressive Media? Inspiration from Georgia Tech
I’ve been blogging effectively every day for nearly five years, so it’s hard to avoid novelty – that’s kind of what we publish. The question is, is it the novelty that’s important, or do you see these as little steps toward something greater that hasn’t happened yet? I tend to favor the latter. Here’s the […]
A Castle of Projected Visuals, Melting Before Your Eyes
APPARATI EFFIMERI Tetragram for Enlargement from Apparati Effimeri on Vimeo. Apparati Effimeri write to let us know about their latest visualist projection mapping project, “TETRAGRAM FOR ENLARGEMENT.” Watching abstract patterns wend their way across the geometries of the castle-like building is hypnotic, to be sure. But it’s as the visuals make the building seem to […]
Happy 30th, Sony Walkman: Your Memories and the Best of Cassettes on CDM
The once and future Walkman. Photo: FaceMePLS. July 1, 1979: it was thirty years ago today that the Sony Walkman went on sale, launching mobile music for the first time. Wait – rewind (so to speak). That honor really belongs to the portable transistor radio – and, indeed, part of the reason America already knew […]
d-touch, Free Tangible Interfaces, and a Walnut Drum Machine
Software doesn’t have to mean virtualizing everything and letting go of physical objects. On the contrary, it can create all sots of imaginative, new ways of mapping musical ideas to the physical world. And that’s how we wind up with a walnut drum sequencer. There’s something about virtual drum machines and snacks. We’ve seen bubblegum […]
Native Instruments Komplete $399 Fire Sale; NI Noisepages Networking
Reaktor… you know, for kids! Oli, age 7. Photo (CC) Laura Whitehead. Normally, pricing announcements and sales press releases bore me to tears, but this is actually news – Native Instruments is selling Komplete for July only at just US$/EUR 399, instead of $1139/EUR999. That means if you were looking for Reaktor alone – about […]
Flash Augmented Reality, Made Easier: Open Source FLARManager
You’ve seen the demos. You like the idea of tracking tags in the real world to create visuals. And now you want to try augmented reality for yourself – and, incidentally, you’re a Flash developer. Reader Eric Socolofsky writes to share a framework he’s created that makes it much easier to work with the Flash-based, […]