Korg DS-10 in Ensemble Jams

The Nintendo mobile is a solo instrument no more. Lovers of the Korg DS-10 cartridge for the Nintendo DS handheld are making their own ensembles. And one such trio is a selection of who’s who in Japanese game music. The Korg DS Trio performed a celebrity concert after the Tokyo Game Show. GameSetWatch has an […]

Interactive Audio Folks Converge at GDC: IASIG Meetup

Photo: Ben Hanbury, from a very cool BBC event. Sort of sums up game audio, this. For one area in which forward-thinking digital music types are doing innovative work in game and interactive audio, look no further than the Interactive Audio SIG. They’re doing really interesting stuff in looking at how tools can support future […]

NVIDIA Sets Notebook Graphics Drivers Free, Makes GPGPU, PhysX Mobile; ATI, Your Move

Finally, NVIDIA extends a welcome mat. Photo by Anna Irsch. For graphics cards, drivers are everything: it’s just not possible to be on top of stability, performance, and functionality without access to new, stable drivers. But for Windows notebooks, unlike desktops, traditionally you had to turn to OEM PC vendors to get your NVIDIA graphics […]

Audio, Music Gems from the Upcoming Game Developer Conference

Music for mashing buttons to. Photo (CC) Jon Jordan, Pocket Gamer. Perhaps it’s a sign of the times that, as far as the conference calendar for 2009 goes, some of the most interesting discussions about audio, composition, and technology are happening at a game developer conference. The terrific GameSetWatch “alt.video game” blog has a nice […]

Freeze Your Booty: Lemur VJing on New Year’s Eve in 10-Below Wind Chills

Keep Your Resolutions Dance Party NYE 2009 from Robotkid on Vimeo. How did you spend your New Year’s Eve, visualists? And how much do you love live visuals and dancing? Our friend Robotkid (aka Josh Randall) just showed me this video of the frigid dance party in Boston, complete with –10-degree (Fahrenheit) wind chills and […]

What Great Concert Visuals Did You See in 2008?

Accent Feed of San Diego has a fantastic list of the 10 Most Innovative Concert Visuals ’08. Now, I’m not normally a big fan of top ten lists, but in this case I couldn’t agree more with Migeux. And likewise, with the likes of United Visual Artists’ project for Massive Attack and the incredible Nine […]

Resolution 09: Touch Sequencing Video Tutorial with Ableton Live, BigSeq, iPod

chromedecay studio look: TouchOSC with Ableton Live and BigSeq from chromedecay on Vimeo. New Year’s Resolution: do cool new stuff. In celebration of the coming of 2009, I’ve got a set of tutorials to post here on createdigitalmusic and createdigitalmotion, so you can get a jump start on the new year by learning some new […]

Premiere CS4 Adds AAF, OMF, Final Cut Support; Celebrate File Freedom

Adobe has quietly added some features to Premiere CS4 I would consider really huge. Adobe Updater is normally the little app that delivers Acrobat Reader updates what seems like every other weekday, but imagine my surprise when I opened it today: a little New Year’s present. AAF support (Advanced Authoring Format, an attempt to create […]

Happy New Year, Quivering in Processing

Here’s another visualist way to celebrate the coming New Year, from Douglas Edric Stanley: twothousandnine (I’m not including a screen grab as that’ll kill the surprise.) Hmmm, perhaps a series?

Happy New Year Stop Action, From Karsten Schmidt

Happy 2009! from postspectacular on Vimeo. I can’t say it any better than this. A big Happy New Year to the planet. 2009 looks to be a breakout year for Create Digital Motion, with all we’ve got planned – starting with helping you get on top of your New Years’ Resolutions tomorrow as we start […]