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Spaces and Roots: Manipulating Sound with Processing + Touch, Tangible Interfaces

Musical Applications for Multi-Touch Interfaces from BricK Table on Vimeo. Across series of colored bars, sounds warp and mutate. Vines entangle as organic threads of music. Fingers and objects traverse sonic landscapes in surprising, mysterious ways. Welcome to the worlds of BricK, the musical table interface by Jordan Hochenbaum and Owen Vallis, which, charged with […]

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Processing: Revolutionary Creative Coding Tool Now 1.0, No Longer Beta

I heart Processing. Image (made with Processing, of course): (CC) Nik Rowell. The creative, visual development platform Processing has undergone what may be one of the longest, strangest betas ever – in a good way. What other “beta” has had tomes written about it, tens of thousands of students studying it (in some large programs, […]

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Monster Hybrid Kaoss Pad 3 Electric Guitar; Zoybar Modular Hardware Platform

Find more videos like this on Zoybar Ziv bar Ilan, founder/designer of Zoybar, has created a “modular hardware platform” for creating custom electric instruments and effects. The fruits of these labors: an insane cross-breeding experiment combining a Korg KAOSS Pad KP3 with an electric guitar. The results look like something the evil supergeek in an […]

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Rutt/Etra Visual Synth as Software; Etra's Legacy Needs Your Support

Ed. It’s one of the most important live visual inventions of all time — a visual creation on the level of something like the Minimoog for audio synthesis. And it’s now in software form. But just as importantly, there’s a chance to help its inventor complete his vision. -PK Anton Marini, a.k.a. vade, has released […]

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Free Plug-ins for a Free Visual App: Flash-Based Onyx VJ Plugs Get a Blog

Batchass has added a new blog which will feature new plug-ins for Onyx VJ, the free and open source VJ app built in Flash / Flex / AIR. With the possibility of support for Adobe’s new Pixel Bender, this is all getting pretty interesting. (And because of the Adobe architectures beneath, that means creations can […]

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elastic~: Pitch, Speed Control Module for Your Max 5 Patch

If you’re looking for pitch- and speed-independent warping and other sonic effects, and Max 5 is your modular patching tool of choice, a new tool is now available to add to your arsenal. elastic~ is an object similar that allows high-quality audio warping. The developer claims it uses the “same algorhythm as software giants Cubase, […]

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Exclusive RjDj Interview: Interactive Music Listening, Everywhere You Go

It’s something we take for granted: listen to a track, and it starts at the beginning and goes to the end in a fixed length of time. Wonderful things can be done with music that way, and it’s the traditional model of composition and recording. But the equally old, if not older, tradition of improvisation […]

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RjDj, Responsive, Interactive Music on iPhone, Now Available: Free – $3

A new generation of mobile devices is changing the way we hear music. Now we can say that, and not just be speculating are talking theory. The apps are here. Brian Eno had released a generative music album as computer software in the 90s. But this week, that idea hit a bigger audience when we […]

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Apps Alone Aren’t Problem; Apple iTunes Lockdown Hurts Creators, Consumers

Out of sync: iTunes integration was a selling point early on. But at what point is Apple’s own innovation upstaged by their desire to control distribution through the iTunes channel? . Last week, Apple rejected a podcast management app because, to paraphrase Apple’s own policy, they want iTunes handling all podcasts for you and not […]

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Neuros OSD 2.0 HD Recorder Dev Kits Available; Now, Go Record!

Today Neuros announced the availability of developer kits for their new HD recorder, the OSD 2.0, which can record 720p video via HDMI and component input. At 10″ x 10″ x 2″ and $250/each, this box looks to be a promising candidate for a cheap, portable recorder that you could carry to every gig, something […]

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