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Music from Ukraine, music benefiting Ukraine – keep feeding yourself with music

Music matters; music keeps us connected to our emotions and one another. So don’t give up on it. Here’s music for this moment, with an emphasis on Ukrainian voices. But I hope we also acknowledge that musical livelihood is on the edge everywhere, too. And wherever you are, I hope this gives you even a little peace.

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Epic Games just bought Bandcamp – so what does that mean?

Epic Games, makers of Unreal Engine, the Epic Games Store, and Fortnite, just bought Bandcamp. The promise is that the core Bandcamp platform as we know it will remain – but this means a big shift in where opportunities on Bandcamp might go.

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Here are Ukrainian artists and labels you can support and celebrate

There’s never too much music, and never enough attention on independent artists and labels. The reality is that Ukrainian artists – like so much of eastern Europe – often got little recognition even as their cities grew as international party destinations. So let’s do what we always do, and love music – right on to the weird and unheard.

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Voices and music from Ukrainian artists at this urgent moment

With Kyiv under attack as I write this in our neighbor Ukraine, I want to pass the mic to Ukrainian venues and artists and folks of Ukrainian descent/Ukrainian diaspora.

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vvvv worldwide meetup is tonight, with magical GPU and audio patching inbound

Looking for some nerdy way to celebrate 22.02.2022 ? Well, why not tune into everyone’s favorite palindromic visual dataflow multimedia development environment for Windows? (How’s that for a crowd-pleasing teaser?) And the timing is right for other reasons, too…

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With AudioThing Noises, a noise generator becomes more than a noise generator

It all started with “a mixture of river, wind in the trees, and Autobahn,” the sounds Hainbach heard where he grew up, he tells us. And the new AudioThing plug-in grew from there, into something deep enough for you to explore, too.

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20 years on, FAX, Murcof, and Static Discos are fresher than ever

2002, Tijuana, twenty years ago this week: Murcof and FAX released their first albums and launched the label Static Discos. Sounds come in cycles, and they can easily sound new all over again – doubly so with a beautiful new remix compilation to celebrate. Let’s listen.

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Mutable Instruments Plaits is now free for Reason, in a beautiful reimagining called Macro

Macro promises to be an essential building block for some terrific Reason patches, with a new look for the interface that’s both attractive and at home in Reason’s Rack. Plus it’s free.

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Audio Damage has released 33 classic legacy plug-ins for free – here’s a guide and a stupid test

Beloved boutique plug-in house Audio Damage has found a heck of a retirement for 33 of its vintage plug-ins: it’s giving them away for free for macOS and Windows. Here’s a complete guide and an ill-advised test scenario. Audio Damage’s Chris Randall explains in a blog post: Everything Old Is New Again… Here’s the skinny: […]

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Eyeballs, errors, and animal keys: Reed Ghazala’s wild circuit-bent electronics keep evolving

Reed Ghazala’s latest generation of instruments is here, gazing back at us with glass eyeballs and dubbed with names like “photon clarinet.” The father of circuit bending also espouses a new conceptual frame and philosophy – errism. And to err is human, but also is cat.

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