Staying in today and wish the electronic music could come to you? It’s your lucky day.
First up, the flash crash series continues today Saturday the 16th – full of live coding and out-there electronics, starting from 13:00 LA time. (That means it’s afternoon/evening east coast, starting 16:00, 22:00 Berlin, or those of you out east can start your Sunday morning this way – 05:00 start Tokyo time.)
And there’s a Halloween-ish theme for this edition. The lineup is, unfortunately, all in an image file (cough, accessibility, y’all!). But you get the likes of karol, Tom Hall, ezra buchla, Chromatouch, simco… and plenty of others.
Tyler Etters (releasing music as LA’s intertext, blogging at northern info) writes us with more.

There’s no ulterior motive, no monetization, no patreon, no accounts for people to follow and like and subscribe. It’s about giving artists a place to perform and audiences a place to experience. Each event has felt like a genuine “happening” or gathering in a really intimate and connected way.
There’s an ethos behind it:
We are…
… a celebration of livecoding.
… root(-kit)ed in the global livecoding scene.
… anchored by the rallying cry “show us your screens!”
… a recursive live stream && artist community.
… celebrating crashes && mistakes.
… everywhere && everywhen.
… everycolor && everygender.
… inventing && destroying microgenres daily.
… pushing the boundaries of music && technology.
… never ending && already over.
… inviting you.

Sounds good to me. They’ve opened up on live coding – Tyler says the first one was limited to teletype, the monome module, before the second edition added stuff like Orca. Find it:
And follow the Twitch account for the lines community (that’s the forum with all the, uh, letters L in the title). That’ll give you the live stream:
Twitch I have to say has worked nicely as a live music platform just because of the streaming fidelity and community platform features.
Scanner on Bandcamp this weekend
London’s Robin Rimbaud aka Scanner is a legend and a favorite – and now you don’t have to worry about being in the right town to see him, because he’s doing a live show from his studio. It’ll cost you 5 GBP, but hey, this could be a promising model – it means underground Bandcamp artists can start to transmit music from their studio and ideally earn enough money and fan base to self-organize tours, too.

The model here makes loads of sense – you don’t have to be live, which is much, much better on a) a planet that is round with b) species who have to sleep some of the time.
Another show live and direct from the Scanner Studio in the UK to the world. As ever, it will be completely impressed and feature all new music. Afterwards I will remain online to chat with you and answer questions and probably tell some stories ? The performance will remain available for 48 hours afterwards so you can watch it back or catch up with it in case it’s in the wrong time zone for you. Looking forward to playing for you all very soon!
If you do tune in, let us know how your experience is as a listener – and I’m keen to hear other folks trying out Bandcamp’s new streaming functionality, knowing how much overlap there is between CDM readers and Bandcamp fans.
Vive le Underground! (Uh, vive le “souterrain”?) Keep creating, stay caring, see you on the Internet.